Mwalimu K. Bomani Baruti is the co-founder and co-director of Akoben Institute, an independent Afrikan centered full-time and after-school home schooling and tutorial program for middle and high schoolers. Over the last half decade, Bro. Baruti has also taught various Afrikan centered evening classes for adults at the Institute and online. Included in these was a writers’ workshop for those interested in writing and self-publishing. Moreover, he is an experienced chess teacher who taught chess at independent Black schools for over a decade. Baba Baruti is the author of a multitude of self-published books (found at www.AkobenHouse.com). Baba Baruti served as Assistant Professor of Sociology at Morehouse College from 1991 to 2001. Committed to the students, he has served as the faculty adviser to numerous student organizations at Morehouse College, as well as other institutions in the Atlanta University Center. He received his graduate training at the University of Chicago and taught at Chicago State University as well. Recognized for his dedication to the community, he has been keynote speaker, guest lecturer and moderator for numerous forums, programs and activities in a number places around the country and world. His lecture topics have ranged from Afrikan manhood, male/female relationships, european sexual insanity, interracial coupling to the Middle Passage. Baba Baruti lives in Atlanta, Georgia with his wife of many years, Ena Yaa Mawusi Baruti, who is also the co-founder and co-director of their homeschooling program, Akoben Institute.